Security of the Intel Graphics Stack - Part 2 - FW <-> GuC
Today we'll continue our voyage into the graphics subsystem components.
The question we'll try to answer is what kind of communications occur between the GuC and the rest of the system. In this post we'll look at firmware components and next post at Windows components.
For a reminder what the GuC is, look at part1 post .
Part 1: The IntelGOP DXE driver
The Intel Graphics Output Protocol (GOP) EFI DXE driver can be extracted in various versions from many UEFI capsules available through many vendors. For this post I redid my original analysis on a recent version from a CanonLake system.
The purpose of this exercise is to try and see whether the GOP driver communicates with the GuC over the PCIe bus (TL;dr: it doesn't)
The binary isn't to large - 84KB, so we can try to completely reverse engineer it. I used both IDA+HexRays and a dynamic analysis UEFI emulator I developed for just these cases. The emulator lets you run EFI DXE drivers in Windows simulating many UEFI services and allowing me to modify/inspect EFI interfaces, hook UEFI protocol structs, and even has some fuzzing capabilities.
Looking at the driver's entrypoint we see it stores the different service tables in globals and then jumps to the main() functions I called GopEntryPoint().
.text:0000000000001580 ; EFI_STATUS __fastcall ModuleEntryPoint(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable)
.text:0000000000001580 public _ModuleEntryPoint
.text:0000000000001580 _ModuleEntryPoint proc near ; DATA XREF: HEADER:00000000000000E8↑o
.text:0000000000001580 sub rsp, 28h
.text:0000000000001584 mov r8, [rdx+60h]
.text:0000000000001588 mov rax, [rdx+58h]
.text:000000000000158C mov cs:gIMAGE_HANDLE, rcx
.text:0000000000001593 mov cs:gBOOT_SERVICES, r8
.text:000000000000159A mov cs:gRUNTIME_SERVICES, rax
.text:00000000000015A1 mov cs:gBOOT_SERVICES2, r8
.text:00000000000015A8 mov cs:gSYSTEM_TABLE2, rdx
.text:00000000000015AF call GopEntryPoint
.text:00000000000015B4 add rsp, 28h
.text:00000000000015B8 retn
.text:00000000000015B8 _ModuleEntryPoint endp
GopEntryPoint() first part is really boring, just setting up version information in global strings.
_int64 __fastcall GopEntryPoint(EFI_HANDLE img_handle_arg)
EFI_HANDLE image_handle; // rbx
CHAR16 *driver_desc_ptr; // rax
__int64 img_handle; // r11
__int64 result; // rax
EFI_HANDLE Handle; // [rsp+50h] [rbp+18h]
EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *Interface; // [rsp+58h] [rbp+20h]
image_handle = img_handle_arg;
v2 = atoi(L"0") == 1;
driver_desc_ptr = gDriverDescription;
v4 = 'I';
byte_142A0 = v2;
*driver_desc_ptr = v4;
v4 = *(CHAR16 *)((char *)driver_desc_ptr + (char *)L"Intel(R) GOP Driver" - (char *)gDriverDescription);
while ( v4 );
*driver_desc_ptr = 0;
strcat(gDriverDescription, L" [");
strcat(gDriverDescription, L"11");
strcat(gDriverDescription, L".");
strcat(gDriverDescription, L"0");
strcat(gDriverDescription, L".");
strcat(gDriverDescription, L"1014");
strcat(gDriverDescription, L"]");
gDriverState.ImgHandle = img_handle;
v12 = &gDriverVersion;
v13 = '1';
*v12 = v13;
v13 = *(CHAR16 *)((char *)v12 + (char *)L"11" - (char *)&gDriverVersion);
while ( v13 );
*v12 = 0;
strcat(&gDriverVersion, L".");
strcat(&gDriverVersion, L"0");
strcat(&gDriverVersion, L".");
strcat(&gDriverVersion, L"1014");
gDriverState.ControllerName = (__int64)L"Intel(R) Graphics Controller";
gDriverState.DriverVersion = v17;
v18 = atoi(L"1014");
The second part does the actual work. First it looks for the EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL to setup a the unload routine:
gDRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL.Version = v18 + v19;
result = gBOOT_SERVICES->OpenProtocol(
(void **)&Interface,
if ( result >= 0 )
Interface->Unload = (EFI_IMAGE_UNLOAD)UnloadImage;
And then install four protocol handlers, three of which I identified: one for driver binding and two for component name handling. The InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces(..) can accept multiple protocols, each protocol has a GUID and the “virtual table” like structure used by UEFI. The final entry is NULL. Most UEFI protocol GUIDs are public (and appear in the EDK) so we can identify them easily and this identify the virtual table structures associated with them, for example for the UEFI binding protocol we have in DriverBinding.h:
IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
IN UINTN NumberOfChildren,
UINT32 Version;
EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle;
EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle;
This enables us to reverse the rest of GopEntryPoint:
Handle = image_handle;
gDRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL.DriverBindingHandle = Handle;
gDRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL.ImageHandle = image_handle;
result = gBOOT_SERVICES->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces(
if ( result >= 0 )
qword_142B0 = (__int64)image_handle;
return result;
All the GUID values appear close to each other at the beginning of the binary, so we can take a shortcut and find all the GUIDs the driver uses:
.text:0000000000000240 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 9042A9DEh ; Data1
.text:0000000000000240 ; DATA XREF: HEADER:00000000000000EC↑o
.text:0000000000000240 ; HEADER:00000000000001D4↑o ...
.text:0000000000000240 dw 23DCh ; Data2
.text:0000000000000240 dw 4A38h ; Data3
.text:0000000000000240 db 96h, 0FBh, 7Ah, 0DEh, 0D0h, 80h, 51h, 6Ah; Data4
.text:0000000000000250 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 0BD8C1056h ; Data1
.text:0000000000000250 ; DATA XREF: InstallGraphicsProto+124↓o
.text:0000000000000250 ; uninstall2?+9B↓o ...
.text:0000000000000250 dw 9F36h ; Data2
.text:0000000000000250 dw 44ECh ; Data3
.text:0000000000000250 db 92h, 0A8h, 0A6h, 33h, 7Fh, 81h, 79h, 86h; Data4
.text:0000000000000260 EFI_EDID_DISCOVERED_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 1C0C34F6h ; Data1
.text:0000000000000260 ; DATA XREF: sub_1CA4+2A5↓o
.text:0000000000000260 ; InstallGraphicsProto+DF↓o ...
.text:0000000000000260 dw 0D380h ; Data2
.text:0000000000000260 dw 41FAh ; Data3
.text:0000000000000260 db 0A0h, 49h, 8Ah, 0D0h, 6Ch, 1Ah, 66h, 0AAh; Data4
.text:0000000000000270 GOP_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 6FF23F1Dh ; Data1
.text:0000000000000270 ; DATA XREF: sub_1F78+B1↓o
.text:0000000000000270 ; uninstall2?+14B↓o ...
.text:0000000000000270 dw 877Ch ; Data2
.text:0000000000000270 dw 4B1Bh ; Data3
.text:0000000000000270 db 93h, 0FCh, 0F1h, 42h, 0B2h, 0EEh, 0A6h, 0A7h; Data4
.text:0000000000000280 GOP_DISPLAY_BIST_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 0F51DD33Ah ; Data1
.text:0000000000000280 ; DATA XREF: sub_1F78+75↓o
.text:0000000000000280 ; uninstall2?+F5↓o ...
.text:0000000000000280 dw 0E57Fh ; Data2
.text:0000000000000280 dw 4020h ; Data3
.text:0000000000000280 db 0B4h, 66h, 0F4h, 0C1h, 71h, 0C6h, 0E4h, 0F7h; Data4
.text:0000000000000290 EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 4CF5B200h ; Data1
.text:0000000000000290 ; DATA XREF: DriverBindingProtoSupported+CB↓o
.text:0000000000000290 ; DriverBindingProtoSupported+173↓o ...
.text:0000000000000290 dw 68B8h ; Data2
.text:0000000000000290 dw 4CA5h ; Data3
.text:0000000000000290 db 9Eh, 0ECh, 0B2h, 3Eh, 3Fh, 50h, 2, 9Ah; Data4
.text:00000000000002A0 GOP_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 651B7EBDh ; Data1
.text:00000000000002A0 ; DATA XREF: GopEntryPoint+22F↓o
.text:00000000000002A0 dw 0CE13h ; Data2
.text:00000000000002A0 dw 41D0h ; Data3
.text:00000000000002A0 db 82h, 0E5h, 0A0h, 63h, 0ABh, 0BEh, 9Bh, 0B6h; Data4
.text:00000000000002B0 UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 0DBCB2FCDh ; Data1
.text:00000000000002B0 ; DATA XREF: UnloadImage+9A↓o
.text:00000000000002B0 ; GopEntryPoint+203↓o
.text:00000000000002B0 dw 0E29Ah ; Data2
.text:00000000000002B0 dw 410Eh ; Data3
.text:00000000000002B0 db 9Dh, 0D9h, 0FAh, 9Dh, 5Fh, 0F4h, 0CDh, 0A7h; Data4
.text:00000000000002C0 MAYBE_AUX_PROTOCOL_GUID? dd 0C7D4703Bh ; Data1
.text:00000000000002C0 ; DATA XREF: DriverBindingProtoStartImp+2A8↓o
.text:00000000000002C0 ; DriverBindingProtoStop+70↓o
.text:00000000000002C0 dw 0F36h ; Data2
.text:00000000000002C0 dw 4E51h ; Data3
.text:00000000000002C0 db 0A9h, 83h, 5Eh, 61h, 0ACh, 0B8h, 68h, 3Ch; Data4
.text:00000000000002D0 EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 9576E91h ; Data1
.text:00000000000002D0 ; DATA XREF: DriverBindingProtoSupported+5F↓o
.text:00000000000002D0 ; DriverBindingProtoSupported+A2↓o ...
.text:00000000000002D0 dw 6D3Fh ; Data2
.text:00000000000002D0 dw 11D2h ; Data3
.text:00000000000002D0 db 8Eh, 39h, 0, 0A0h, 0C9h, 69h, 72h, 3Bh; Data4
.text:00000000000002E0 EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 5B1B31A1h ; Data1
.text:00000000000002E0 ; DATA XREF: GopEntryPoint+169↓o
.text:00000000000002E0 dw 9562h ; Data2
.text:00000000000002E0 dw 11D2h ; Data3
.text:00000000000002E0 db 8Eh, 3Fh, 0, 0A0h, 0C9h, 69h, 72h, 3Bh; Data4
.text:00000000000002F0 EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 18A031ABh ; Data1
.text:00000000000002F0 ; DATA XREF: UnloadImage+BB↓o
.text:00000000000002F0 ; GopEntryPoint+1D2↓o
.text:00000000000002F0 dw 0B443h ; Data2
.text:00000000000002F0 dw 4D1Ah ; Data3
.text:00000000000002F0 db 0A5h, 0C0h, 0Ch, 9, 26h, 1Eh, 9Fh, 71h; Data4
.text:0000000000000300 EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL_GUID dd 6A7A5CFFh ; Data1
.text:0000000000000300 ; DATA XREF: UnloadImage+A1↓o
.text:0000000000000300 ; GopEntryPoint+1B8↓o
.text:0000000000000300 dw 0E8D9h ; Data2
.text:0000000000000300 dw 4F70h ; Data3
.text:0000000000000300 db 0BAh, 0DAh, 75h, 0ABh, 30h, 25h, 0CEh, 14h; Data4
A few couldn't be identified. Another "fast forward" trick I can use is to find all locations protocols are installed or requested. If we look at how protocols are installed using gBOOT_SERVICES::InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces:
.text:0000000000002938 FF 90 48 01 00 00 call qword ptr dword_148[rax]
We see the offset is pretty large, 0x148. We can just search for the wildcard "call qword ptr dword_148[reg]"
and see if reg contains the global gBOOT_SERVICES. This way we can jump directly to the functions
and identify what they do and name them:
Address Function Instruction
.text:000000000000188B GopEntryPoint FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
.text:00000000000018C3 GopEntryPoint FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
.text:00000000000018E8 GopEntryPoint FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
.text:0000000000001ECC EnumConnectionsAndInstallEdidProto FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
.text:0000000000001F50 EnumConnectionsAndInstallEdidProto FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
.text:0000000000001FFA InstallBrightnessProto FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
.text:0000000000002036 InstallBrightnessProto FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
.text:000000000000221F InstallGraphicsProto FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
.text:00000000000022A0 InstallGraphicsProto FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
.text:0000000000002938 DriverBindingProtoStartImp FF 90 48 01 00 00 call [rax+EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces]
This also gets as all the function tables for these protocols, and helps us understand the global state struct for the driver. Unlike C++, the UEFI function receive a This
pointer that contains both data members and function pointers, for example for the GOP protocol:
IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY,
IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height,
typedef struct {
UINT32 MaxMode;
UINT32 Mode;
UINTN SizeOfInfo;
UINTN FrameBufferSize;
So the protocol structure has to be stored in some state structure. If the state structure is a singleton it can be stored as a global, but if we want multiple copies the driver allocates a state structure, places the protocol structure in a known offset within, and then can calculate the start of the structure from the This
pointer provided to the protocol functions. We can use this information to try to piece together this global structre:
00000000 DriverState struc ; (sizeof=0xE8, mappedto_92)
00000000 ; XREF: .text:gDriverState/r
00000000 language dq ? ; offset
00000008 ImgHandle dq ? ; XREF: GopEntryPoint+A9/w
00000010 field_10 dd ?
00000014 field_14 dd ?
00000018 graphics_proto dq ?
00000020 field_20 dq ? ; XREF: GetDriverVersion+16/o
00000028 DriverVersion dq ? ; XREF: GopEntryPoint+125/w
00000030 field_30 dq ?
00000038 active_proto_copy dq ?
00000040 field_40 dq ? ; XREF: GetControllerName+99/o
00000048 ControllerName dq ? ; XREF: GopEntryPoint+11E/w
00000050 field_50 dq ?
00000058 field_58 dq ?
00000060 brightness_proto dq ? ; XREF: UnloadImage+8E/o
00000060 ; GopEntryPoint+1EE/o
00000068 name_proto dq ?
00000070 bist_proto_orig GOP_DISPLAY_BIST_PROTOCOL_FUNC_TABLE ?
00000070 ; XREF: InstallBrightnessProto+50/o
00000080 bist_proto GOP_DISPLAY_BIST_PROTOCOL ?
00000080 ; XREF: sub_44D8+21/o
00000080 ; sub_44D8+28/w ...
00000094 field_94 dd ?
00000098 field_98 dq ? ; XREF: sub_4900+24/o
00000098 ; sub_4900+2F/w ...
000000A0 field_A0 dq ? ; XREF: sub_4900+36/w
000000A0 ; sub_4900+319/r ...
000000A8 field_A8 dq ? ; XREF: sub_245C+14/r
000000A8 ; sub_245C+1B/o ...
000000B0 field_B0 dq ? ; XREF: sub_245C+86/r
000000B0 ; sub_259C+6C/r ...
000000B8 field_B8 dq ? ; XREF: sub_35A4+37A/o
000000B8 ; sub_35A4+384/w ...
000000C0 field_C0 dq ? ; XREF: sub_35A4+38B/w
000000C0 ; sub_35A4+3EF/r ...
000000C8 field_C8 dq ?
000000D0 field_D0 dq ? ; XREF: sub_35A4+420/o
000000D8 field_D8 dq ?
000000E0 field_E0 dq ?
000000E8 DriverState ends
and so on.
It won't be too interesting to just dump more and more dissassembled functions here, as our goal is to find possible access to GuC. None of the functions I identified had any connection to the GuC, so next I looked at all accesses to PCI devices, as GuC accesses should be made using PCI. The devices are identified using EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL
and accessed through EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID
DriverBindingProtoSupported+CB | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
DriverBindingProtoSupported+173 | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
EnumConnectionsAndInstallEdidProto+259 | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
sub_245C+9C | lea r8, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
sub_259C+33 | lea r8, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
sub_259C+81 | lea r8, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
DriverBindingProtoStartImp+44 | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
DriverBindingProtoStartImp+20C | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
uninstall?+76 | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
uninstall?+220 | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
DriverBindingProtoStop+DD | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
DriverBindingProtoStop+120 | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
sub_2EC0+158 | lea r8, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
GetControllerName+3A | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
GetControllerName+59 | lea rdx, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
GetControllerName:loc_55C6 | lea r8, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID |
Some places are spurios, like:
.text:00000000000024F8 lea r8, EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID
.text:00000000000024FF mov rcx, rsi
.text:0000000000002502 call sub_5F04
Since sub_5F04
overrides r8 immediatly:
.text:0000000000005F04 sub_5F04 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_245C+A6↑p
.text:0000000000005F04 ; sub_259C+41↑p ...
.text:0000000000005F04 count = qword ptr -18h
.text:0000000000005F04 arg_0 = qword ptr 8
.text:0000000000005F04 proto_info = qword ptr 20h
.text:0000000000005F04 mov [rsp+arg_0], rbx
.text:0000000000005F09 push rdi
.text:0000000000005F0A sub rsp, 30h
.text:0000000000005F0E mov rax, cs:gBOOT_SERVICES
.text:0000000000005F15 mov rdi, rdx
.text:0000000000005F18 lea r9, [rsp+38h+count]
.text:0000000000005F1D lea r8, [rsp+38h+proto_info] ;; HERE!!
Long story short: no code in the GOP DXE driver communicates with the GuC.
Before moving on to CSME vs GuC, I was curious who exactly uses all these protocols, in the rest of the UEFI BIOS and Windows. I extracted the UEFI capsule and
also mounted the Windows ISO and WIM files (dism /mount-image /imagefile:e:\sources\install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\mnt\install /readonly
), and then
ran the following python script:
from struct import unpack
from os import walk
from mmap import mmap, ACCESS_READ
import os.path as path
((0xDE, 0xA9, 0x42, 0x90, 0xDC, 0x23, 0x38, 0x4A, 0x96, 0xFB, 0x7A, 0xDE, 0xD0, 0x80, 0x51, 0x6A), 'EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
((0x56, 0x10, 0x8C, 0xBD, 0x36, 0x9F, 0xEC, 0x44, 0x92, 0xA8, 0xA6, 0x33, 0x7F, 0x81, 0x79, 0x86), 'EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
((0xF6, 0x34, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x80, 0xD3, 0xFA, 0x41, 0xA0, 0x49, 0x8A, 0xD0, 0x6C, 0x1A, 0x66, 0xAA), 'EFI_EDID_DISCOVERED_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
((0x1D, 0x3F, 0xF2, 0x6F, 0x7C, 0x87, 0x1B, 0x4B, 0x93, 0xFC, 0xF1, 0x42, 0xB2, 0xEE, 0xA6, 0xA7), 'GOP_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
((0x3A, 0xD3, 0x1D, 0xF5, 0x7F, 0xE5, 0x20, 0x40, 0xB4, 0x66, 0xF4, 0xC1, 0x71, 0xC6, 0xE4, 0xF7), 'GOP_DISPLAY_BIST_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
#((0x00, 0xB2, 0xF5, 0x4C, 0xB8, 0x68, 0xA5, 0x4C, 0x9E, 0xEC, 0xB2, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x50, 0x02, 0x9A), 'EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
#((0xBD, 0x7E, 0x1B, 0x65, 0x13, 0xCE, 0xD0, 0x41, 0x82, 0xE5, 0xA0, 0x63, 0xAB, 0xBE, 0x9B, 0xB6), 'GOP_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
((0xCD, 0x2F, 0xCB, 0xDB, 0x9A, 0xE2, 0x0E, 0x41, 0x9D, 0xD9, 0xFA, 0x9D, 0x5F, 0xF4, 0xCD, 0xA7), 'UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
((0x3B, 0x70, 0xD4, 0xC7, 0x36, 0x0F, 0x51, 0x4E, 0xA9, 0x83, 0x5E, 0x61, 0xAC, 0xB8, 0x68, 0x3C), 'MAYBE_AUX_PROTOCOL_GUID?'),
#((0x91, 0x6E, 0x57, 0x09, 0x3F, 0x6D, 0xD2, 0x11, 0x8E, 0x39, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3B), 'EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
#((0xA1, 0x31, 0x1B, 0x5B, 0x62, 0x95, 0xD2, 0x11, 0x8E, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3B), 'EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
#((0xAB, 0x31, 0xA0, 0x18, 0x43, 0xB4, 0x1A, 0x4D, 0xA5, 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x09, 0x26, 0x1E, 0x9F, 0x71), 'EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL_GUID'),
#((0xFF, 0x5C, 0x7A, 0x6A, 0xD9, 0xE8, 0x70, 0x4F, 0xBA, 0xDA, 0x75, 0xAB, 0x30, 0x25, 0xCE, 0x14), 'EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL_GUID')
guids = { bytes(k) : v for k, v in GUIDS }
first_dwords = set([unpack("<I", guid[0:4]) for guid in guids.keys()])
for root in ('c:\\mnt\\iso', 'c:\\mnt\\boot', 'c:\\mnt\\install', 'c:\\mnt\\uefi'):
for dir, _, files in walk(root):
for file in files:
filename = dir + '\\' + file
filelen = path.getsize(filename) & ~15
if filelen == 0:
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
with mmap(file.fileno(), filelen, access=ACCESS_READ) as mem:
for ofs in range(0, filelen, 16):
if unpack("<I", mem[ofs:ofs+4]) in first_dwords:
guid = mem[ofs:ofs+16]
name = guids[guid]
except KeyError:
except PermissionError:
The UEFI setup and legacy components use the GOP and the EDID components:
c:\mnt\uefi\\ConSplitter.efi 310 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\uefi\\CsmVideo.efi 2c0 EFI_EDID_DISCOVERED_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\uefi\\CsmVideo.efi 2d0 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\uefi\\CsmVideo.efi 320 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\uefi\\GraphicsConsole.efi 2b0 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\uefi\\Setup.efi 2e0 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\uefi\\UefiPxeBcDxe.efi 490 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
In Windows we have only:
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi a1a0 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi a220 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\System32\winload.efi 17e210 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\System32\winload.efi 17e2a0 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\System32\winresume.efi 122c00 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\System32\winresume.efi 122c80 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\System32\Boot\winload.efi 17e210 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\System32\Boot\winload.efi 17e2a0 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\System32\Boot\winresume.efi 122bf0 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\boot\Windows\System32\Boot\winresume.efi 122c70 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi a1a0 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi a220 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\SecConfig.efi 110b80 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\SecConfig.efi 110c00 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\winload.efi 17e210 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\winload.efi 17e2a0 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\winresume.efi 122c00 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\winresume.efi 122c80 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\Boot\winload.efi 17e210 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\Boot\winload.efi 17e2a0 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\Boot\winresume.efi 122bf0 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\install\Windows\System32\Boot\winresume.efi 122c70 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\iso\bootx64.efi a1a0 EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID
c:\mnt\iso\bootx64.efi a220 EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID
So basically most of the GOP DXE driver functions go unused and can be considered bloat …
Are EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL and EFI_EDID_ACTIVE_PROTOCOL_GUID possible vectors for exploitation from UEFI -> Windows? Assume for example a DXE driver has a bug that can be exploited using specialized hardware, and you gain execution in the UEFI firmware during boot. Can these protocols be used as an attack surface to attack SecureBoot Windows?
As seen before, EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL has a driver controlled Mode
typedef struct {
UINT32 MaxMode;
UINT32 Mode;
UINTN SizeOfInfo;
UINTN FrameBufferSize;
These structure are used in several functions inside the console library shared by all the relevant Windows components. The two main functions are ConsoleEfiGopOpen
and ConsoleEfiGopEnable
__int64 __fastcall ConsoleEfiGopOpen(CONSOLE_DATA *this)
if ( EfiOpenProtocol(this->efi_handle, (__int64)&EfiGraphicsOutputProtocol, &gop_protocol) >= 0 )
status = EfiGopGetCurrentMode(gop_protocol, &mode, &mode_info);
if ( status >= 0 )
orig_mode = mode;
new_mode = mode;
... check if mode is allowed, if not get allowed mode ...
// fill state with mode data
is_rgb = mode_info.PixelFormat == PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor;
this_1->gop_protocol = gop_protocol;
this_1->new_mode = new_mode;
this_1->orig_mode = orig_mode;
if ( is_rgb )
bits_per_pixel = 32;
else if ( mode_info.PixelFormat == PixelBitMask )
bits_per_pixel = 24;
else {
goto exit_handler;
this_1->orig_horiz_res = mode_info.HorizontalResolution;
this_1->orig_vert_res = mode_info.VerticalResolution;
pixels_per_scan_line = mode_info.PixelsPerScanLine;
this_1->orig_bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel;
result = 0i64;
this_1->orig_pixels_per_scan_line = pixels_per_scan_line;
return result;
EfiCloseProtocol(this_1->efi_handle, &EfiGraphicsOutputProtocol);
return (unsigned int)status;
return 0xC00000BB;
EfiGopGetCurrentMode() in turn uses MmArchTranslateVirtualAddress to get physical addresses for the output:
int __fastcall EfiGopGetCurrentMode(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *gop, unsigned int *mode, EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *info)
info_phys_addr = info;
mode_phys_addr = mode;
gop_phys_addr = gop;
context_mode = *gCurrentExecutionContext;
if ( *gCurrentExecutionContext != ExecutionContextFirmware )
if ( gop )
status = MmArchTranslateVirtualAddress(gop, (unsigned __int64 *)&phys_addr, 0i64, 0i64);
status = 0;
if ( !status )
gop_phys_addr = phys_addr;
is_mapped = mode_phys_addr ? MmArchTranslateVirtualAddress(
(unsigned __int64 *)&phys_addr,
0i64) : 0;
if ( !is_mapped )
mode_phys_addr = (unsigned int *)phys_addr;
is_mapped_2 = info_phys_addr ? MmArchTranslateVirtualAddress(
(unsigned __int64 *)&phys_addr,
0i64) : 0;
if ( !is_mapped_2 )
info_phys_addr = (EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *)phys_addr;
*mode_phys_addr = gop_phys_addr->Mode->Mode;
mode_info = gop_phys_addr->Mode->Info;
*(_OWORD *)&info_phys_addr->Version = *(_OWORD *)&mode_info->Version;
info_phys_addr->PixelInformation = mode_info->PixelInformation;
info_phys_addr->PixelsPerScanLine = mode_info->PixelsPerScanLine;
if ( context_mode != ExecutionContextFirmware )
return v3;
The most we can get from this is an arbitary read from physical memory by Windows.
Lets look at ConsoleEfiGopEnable
unsigned int __fastcall ConsoleEfiGopEnable(CONSOLE_DATA *this)
status = EfiGopGetCurrentMode(this->gop_protocol, &old_mode, &mode_info);
if ( status < 0 )
return status;
new_mode_1 = old_mode;
if ( old_mode != new_mode )
status = EfiGopSetMode(this_1->gop_protocol, new_mode);
if ( status >= 0 )
EfiGopGetCurrentMode(this_1->gop_protocol, &mode, &mode_info);
new_mode_1 = old_mode;
if ( mode_info.PixelFormat == PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor )
bits_per_pixel = 32;
else if ( mode_info.PixelFormat == PixelBitMask )
bits_per_pixel = 24;
else { ...; return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
EfiGopGetFrameBuffer(this_1->gop_protocol, &frame_buffer_base, &frame_buffer_size);
if ( BlMmMapPhysicalAddressEx(&frame_buffer, frame_buffer_base, frame_buffer_size, 8u, 0) >= 0
|| (status = BlMmMapPhysicalAddressEx(&frame_buffer, frame_buffer_base, frame_buffer_size, 1u, 0), status >= 0) )
this_1->frame_buffer = (void *)frame_buffer_1;
this_1->frame_buffer_size = frame_buffer_size;
this_1->bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel;
this_1->horiz_res = mode_info.HorizontalResolution;
... contonue filling this_1 with mode_info ...
return result;
Here Windows map the physical address supplied by GOP->FrameBuffer (retrieved in EfiGopGetFrameBuffer) into Windows. We can control FrameBuffer so we might be able to arbitarily map any physical memory as the frame buffer.
How does that help us? If for example the OEM logo (specified in the 'BGRT' ACPI table) is copied to the FrameBuffer, we can write data under our control to a physical address under our control - after the bootmgr has already been verified as part of the Secure Boot process.
But this is tangental to this post so we’ll examine this vector in a future post.
Part 2: From CSME
Now lets turn to the question wether CSME accesses the GuC and vice-versa.
The CSME is really big, so an exhastive disassembly like we did for the GOP is less relevant. So where might the CSME engine need to communicate with the GuC?
One place that comes into mind is the PAVP - Protected Audio Video Path. This is the component that protects protected HD content from being copied. The protection is implemented by creating a secure pipeline from the media components in the Windows kernel, through the GFX driver, and all the way to the display. The CSME is used to protect the pipeline including certs, keys and much more.
We can start with the CSME HECI (Host Embedded Controller Interface) driver on Windows and find the relevant HECI messages.
One group of interesting messages I found was for the LSPCON
component. LSPCON stands for Level Shifter and Protocol Converter, which is used for HDR signalling over HDMI.
No hard work means no fish, so we go on a fishing expedition and finally manage to extract the PAVP component from an old CSME15 build. Its about 300KB in size, so still quite big.
Reversing this I went down a deep rabbit hole. I finally discovered a function I named PAVP_init_heci
, that is called from main
and initializes the HECI communication module in PAVP and registers an interface with three functions:
- handle async messages -
- HECI connection request -
- HECI disconnect request -
(all the names are mine)
handles different types of messages like widevine, asmf, PlayReady and so on. We are interested in CPHS - Intel Content Protection HECI Service, a function I named PAVP_process_cphs_message()
. Digging deeper we eventually reach the LSPCON command handler:
.text:0010775B ; int __cdecl LSPCON_command_handler(PavpCtx *ctx, void *heci_msg, int heci_msg_len, int max_out_len, int *out_len)
.text:0010775B LSPCON_command_handler proc near ; CODE XREF: PAVP_heci_command_handler+8D↑p
.text:0010775B var_14 = dword ptr -14h
.text:0010775B msg_len = dword ptr -10h
.text:0010775B ctx = dword ptr 8
.text:0010775B heci_msg = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:0010775B heci_msg_len = dword ptr 10h
.text:0010775B max_out_len = dword ptr 14h
.text:0010775B out_len = dword ptr 18h
.text:0010775B cmd = ebx
.text:0010775B push ebp
.text:0010775C mov ebp, esp
.text:0010775E push edi
.text:0010775F push esi
.text:00107760 push cmd
.text:00107761 sub esp, 8
.text:00107764 mov eax, [ebp+heci_msg_len]
.text:00107767 mov ecx, [ebp+ctx]
.text:0010776A mov [ebp+msg_len], eax
.text:0010776D mov eax, [ebp+max_out_len]
.text:00107770 mov cmd, [ebp+heci_msg]
.text:00107773 mov [ebp+var_14], eax
.text:00107776 mov esi, [ebp+out_len]
.text:00107779 test ecx, ecx
.text:0010777B jz short err_cmd_not_in_range
.text:0010777D cmp [ecx+PavpCtx.Lspcon], 0
.text:00107781 jz short err_cmd_not_in_range
.text:00107783 test cmd, cmd
.text:00107785 setz dl
.text:00107788 test esi, esi
.text:0010778A setz al
.text:0010778D or dl, al
.text:0010778F jnz short err_cmd_not_in_range
.text:00107791 cmp [ebp+msg_len], 0Fh ; cmd_len <= sizeof(LSPCON_heci_command_header_t)
.text:00107795 ja short is_cmd_id_in_heci_range
It begins by verifying the command buffer is big enough to fit the LSPCON HECI command header:
00000000 LSPCON_heci_command_header_t struc ; (sizeof=0x10, mappedto_125)
00000000 version dd ?
00000004 cmdid dd ? ; XREF: LSPCON_command_handler:is_cmd_id_in_heci_range/r
00000008 status dd ?
0000000C size dd ? ; XREF: LSPCON_command_handler+6B/w
0000000C ; LSPCON_command_handler+91/w ...
00000010 LSPCON_heci_command_header_t ends
Next it checks the command is one of the 7 LSPCON HECI commands and retreives appropriate handler from a global handler list:
.text:001077B8 is_cmd_id_in_heci_range: ; CODE XREF: LSPCON_command_handler+3A↑j
.text:001077B8 mov edi, [cmd+LSPCON_heci_command_header_t.cmdid]
.text:001077BB lea eax, [edi-0E000h] ; is 0xE000 < id < 0xE008
.text:001077C1 cmp eax, 7
.text:001077C4 jbe short get_handler
.text:001077D4 get_handler: ; CODE XREF: LSPCON_command_handler+69↑j
.text:001077D4 mov edx, dword ptr ds:gLSPCONCmdHandlerTable[eax*8] ; gLSPCONCmdHandlerTable.HandleFunc
.text:001077DB test edx, edx ; EDX contains handler
.text:001077DD jnz short check_cmd_data
The global list looks something like:
gLSPCONCmdHandlerTable[] = {
{ 0 },
After verifying the size of the input and output structs the actual command handle is called.
.text:001077FD check_cmd_data: ; CODE XREF: LSPCON_command_handler+82↑j
.text:001077FD movzx edi, word ptr ds:unk_82364[eax*8] ; gLSPCONCmdHandlerTable.InputSize
.text:00107805 cmp edi, [ebp+msg_len]
.text:00107808 ja short sizes_error
.text:0010780A movzx eax, word ptr ds:unk_82366[eax*8] ; gLSPCONCmdHandlerTable.OutputSize
.text:00107812 cmp eax, [ebp+var_14]
.text:00107815 ja short sizes_error
.text:00107830 loc_107830: ; CODE XREF: LSPCON_command_handler+C5↑j
.text:00107830 push cmd
.text:00107831 push ecx
.text:00107846 call edx ; Call Command Handler!
Reveresing all the command handlers we find something interesting in the most unexpected one (thus the last I REd): LSPCON_playback_done()
. It took me a while to even understand its releated to the GuC, and I’ll explain later how it does so.
What does LSPCON_playback_done
do? It checks whether HDCP restrictions should remain in place after a playback is complete.
The function begins by verifying the input parameter (LSPCON_HECICMD_PLAYBACK_DONE_IN) is valid:
.text:00107C6B ; int __cdecl LSPCON_playback_done(PavpCtx *ctx, void *msg)
.text:00107C6B LSPCON_playback_done proc near
.text:00107C6B cur_hdcp_requirements= dword ptr -18h
.text:00107C6B count_active_sessions= dword ptr -14h
.text:00107C6B var_10 = dword ptr -10h
.text:00107C6B ctx = dword ptr 8
.text:00107C6B msg = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:00107C6B ctx_ptr = edi
.text:00107C6B push ebp
.text:00107C6C mov ebp, esp
.text:00107C6E push ctx_ptr
.text:00107C6F push esi
.text:00107C70 push ebx
.text:00107C71 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:00107C74 mov [ebp+count_active_sessions], 0
.text:00107C7B mov esi, [ebp+msg]
.text:00107C7E mov eax, ds:stack_cookie_ptr
.text:00107C83 mov [ebp+var_10], eax
.text:00107C86 xor eax, eax
.text:00107C88 mov ctx_ptr, [ebp+ctx]
.text:00107C8B test esi, esi
.text:00107C8D jnz short check_valid_header
.text:00107C99 check_valid_header: ; CODE XREF: LSPCON_playback_done+22↑j
.text:00107C99 mov [esi+LSPCON_HECICMD_PLAYBACK_DONE_IN.header.size], 0
.text:00107CA0 test ctx_ptr, ctx_ptr
.text:00107CA2 jz short invalid_parameter
.text:00107CA4 cmp [ctx_ptr+PavpCtx.Lspcon], 0
.text:00107CA8 jz short invalid_parameter
And now comes the interesting part:
.text:00107CAA lea eax, [ebp+count_active_sessions]
.text:00107CAD push eax ; num_active_sessions
.text:00107CAE push 0 ; type
.text:00107CB0 push ctx_ptr ; ctx
.text:00107CB1 call GUC_get_active_sessions ;
.text:00107CB6 add esp, 0Ch
.text:00107CB9 mov ebx, eax
.text:00107CBB test eax, eax
.text:00107CBD jz short got_active_sessions
If there are any remaining active sessions the code continues to check what level of HDCP protection they require and set protection to that level if it is lower then the current level, I won’t go into that disassembly as its not really interesting.
Why do I think GUC_get_active_sessions
is actually related to GuC and why did I name it that? Lets continue by examining this function. Its just a wrapper around a function I called GUC_send_message
that sends message no. 6,
.text:0010452C ; int __cdecl GUC_get_active_sessions(PavpCtx *ctx, int type, unsigned int *num_active_sessions)
.text:0010452C GUC_get_active_sessions proc near ; CODE XREF: LSPCON_playback_done+46↓p
.text:0010452C guc2csme = GUC2CSME_MSG ptr -18h
.text:0010452C csme2guc = CSME2GUC_MSG ptr -10h
.text:0010452C ctx = dword ptr 8
.text:0010452C type = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:0010452C num_active_sessions= dword ptr 10h
.text:0010452C ctx_ptr = esi
.text:0010455B type_ok:
.text:0010455B mov dword ptr [ebp+csme2guc.command], GUC_MSG_GET_ACTIVE_SESSIONS ; =6
.text:00104562 mov [ebp+csme2guc.data1], al
.text:00104565 lea eax, [ebp+guc2csme.value]
.text:00104568 mov [ebp+guc2csme.value], 0
.text:0010456F push eax ; guc2csme
.text:00104570 lea eax, [ebp+csme2guc]
.text:00104573 push eax ; csme2guc
.text:00104574 push ctx_ptr ; ctx
.text:00104575 call GUC_send_message
GUC_send_message() gets two parameters in addition to the PAVP context: a CSME2GUC structure and a GUC2CSME structure. How does it work?
It tries to send the message several times in a loop, each time waiting for a short timeout. The first iteration of the loop also wakes the GuC by enabling it through managment functions (if it isn’t already enabled), and sending a special wake message using a function I named GUC_send_VDM()
.text:001041FF ; int __cdecl GUC_send_message(PavpCtx *ctx, CSME2GUC_MSG *csme2guc, GUC2CSME_MSG *guc2csme)
.text:001041FF GUC_send_message proc near ; CODE XREF: GUC_get_active_sessions+49↓p
.text:001041FF ; sub_1045C5+3F↓p
.text:001041FF ctx = dword ptr 8
.text:001041FF csme2guc = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:001041FF guc2csme = dword ptr 10h
.text:001041FF attempt = esi
.text:001041FF ctx_ptr = ebx
.text:001041FF push ebp
.text:00104200 mov ebp, esp
.text:00104202 push edi
.text:00104203 push attempt
.text:00104204 xor attempt, attempt
.text:00104206 push ctx_ptr
.text:00104207 mov ctx_ptr, [ebp+ctx]
.text:0010420A send_loop: ; CODE XREF: GUC_send_message+A3↓j
.text:0010420A inc attempt
.text:0010420B cmp attempt, 1
.text:0010420E jnz short send_wake_msg_loop
.text:00104210 first_attempt:
.text:00104210 push ctx_ptr
.text:00104211 call GUC_disable_power_gate?
.text:00104216 mov edi, eax
.text:00104218 pop eax
.text:00104219 test edi, edi
.text:0010421B jnz loc_1042A8
.text:00104221 send_wake_msg_loop: ; CODE XREF: GUC_send_message+F↑j
.text:00104221 ; GUC_send_message+4E↓j
.text:00104221 push VDM_CSME_TO_GUC_WAKE_REQ
.text:00104223 push 0 ; msg
.text:00104225 push ctx_ptr
.text:00104226 call GUC_send_VDM ; VDM == Vendor Defined Message?
.text:0010422B add esp, 0Ch
.text:0010422E mov edi, eax
.text:00104230 test eax, eax
.text:00104232 jnz msg_error
.text:00104238 push [ebp+guc2csme]
.text:0010423B push GUC_IS_AWAKE
.text:0010423D push ctx_ptr
.text:0010423E call GUC_wait_for_message ; wait for GUC is awake message
.text:00104243 add esp, 0Ch
.text:00104246 mov edi, eax
.text:00104248 cmp eax, PAVP_STATUS_TRY_AGAIN
.text:0010424D jz short send_wake_msg_loop
.text:0010424F cmp eax, PAVP_STATUS_TIMEOUT
.text:00104254 jnz short got_awake_msg
.text:00104256 timeout: ; CODE XREF: GUC_send_message+92↓j
.text:00104256 ; GUC_send_message+C9↓j
.text:00104256 mov edi, PAVP_STATUS_TIMEOUT
.text:0010425B jmp short loc_104297
.text:0010425D ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Once the GuC awake message was received the actually GuC message is send, again with GUC_send_VDM()
.text:0010425D got_awake_msg: ; CODE XREF: GUC_send_message+55↑j
.text:0010425D test eax, eax
.text:0010425F jnz short loc_1042A8
.text:00104261 mov eax, [ebp+csme2guc]
.text:00104264 push VDM_FROM_CSME
.text:00104266 push dword ptr [eax+CSME2GUC_MSG.command]
.text:00104268 push ctx_ptr
.text:00104269 call GUC_send_VDM
.text:0010426E add esp, 0Ch
.text:00104271 mov edi, eax
.text:00104273 test eax, eax
.text:00104275 jnz short loc_1042A8
.text:00104277 push [ebp+guc2csme]
.text:0010427A mov eax, [ebp+csme2guc]
.text:0010427D movzx eax, [eax+CSME2GUC_MSG.command]
.text:00104280 push eax
.text:00104281 push ctx_ptr
.text:00104282 call GUC_wait_for_message
Its then waits for the return message GUC_wait_for_message()
Now you have to say - Wise guy, how do you know this is actually releated to GuC? What is this VDM stuff? Did Ded Moroz drop them in your cabin?
VDMs are Vendor Defined Messages, a way to send custom messages to devices over a PCI bus. They are sent through IOCTLs to the VDM driver in CSME. The IOCTL gets data through a message:
00000000 IOCTL_VDM_WRITE struc ; (sizeof=0x12, mappedto_145)
00000000 addr_offset dd ?
00000004 data dd ? ; This is a bitfield per the spec
00000008 info VDM_TX ?
00000012 IOCTL_VDM_WRITE ends
00000000 VDM_TX struc ; (sizeof=0xA, mappedto_142)
00000000 ; XREF: GucCtx/r
00000000 ; IOCTL_VDM_WRITE/r
00000000 msg dd ? ; XREF: setup_guc_vdm+F/r
00000004 pci_req_id dw ? ; XREF: setup_guc_vdm+12/w
00000006 tag dw ?
00000008 pci_tgt_id dw ? ; XREF: setup_guc_vdm+1C/w
0000000A VDM_TX ends
Here you have the first hint of how I connected all this to the GuC. Lets just get the VDM function out of the way:
.text:0014889D VDM_write proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_1028DB+CE↑p
.text:0014889D ; GUC_send_VDM+4F↑p ...
.text:0014889D var_40 = byte ptr -40h
.text:0014889D vdm_ioctl = IOCTL_VDM_WRITE ptr -3Ch
.text:0014889D var_10 = dword ptr -10h
.text:0014889D fd = dword ptr 8
.text:0014889D addr_info = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:0014889D addr_offset = dword ptr 10h
.text:0014889D data = dword ptr 14h
.text:0014889D push ebp
.text:0014889E mov ebp, esp
.text:001488A0 push edi
.text:001488A1 push esi
.text:001488A2 push ebx
.text:001488A3 sub esp, 34h
.text:001488A6 mov ebx, [ebp+fd]
.text:001488A9 mov eax, ds:stack_cookie_ptr
.text:001488AE mov [ebp+var_10], eax
.text:001488B1 xor eax, eax
.text:001488B3 mov edi, [ebp+addr_info]
.text:001488B6 test ebx, ebx
.text:001488B8 js short invalid_parameter
.text:001488BA test edi, edi
.text:001488BC jz short invalid_parameter
.text:001488BE lea esi, [ebp+vdm_ioctl]
.text:001488C1 build_ioctl_data:
.text:001488C1 push 44 ; sizeof(vdm_ioctl)
.text:001488C3 push 0
.text:001488C5 push esi
.text:001488C6 call near ptr memset
.text:001488CB mov eax, [ebp+addr_offset]
.text:001488CE mov [ebp+vdm_ioctl.addr_offset], eax
.text:001488D1 mov eax, [ebp+data]
.text:001488D4 mov [], eax
.text:001488D7 lea eax, []
.text:001488DA push 0Ah ; sizeof(TX info)
.text:001488DC push edi
.text:001488DD push 0Ah
.text:001488DF push eax
.text:001488E0 call near ptr memcpy_s
.text:001488E5 lea eax, [ebp+var_40]
.text:001488E8 push eax
.text:001488E9 push 44
.text:001488EB push esi
.text:001488EC push 44
.text:001488EE push esi
.text:001488EF push 2 ; IOCTL write
.text:001488F1 push ebx
.text:001488F2 call near ptr ioctl_s
The IOCTL is sent to a file handle. Where is it set? We now go back to the PAVP init code and look for all places where file handles are init. There we find to functions I am pretty sure initialize the GuC and the Graphics Key Manager (GKM), thus I appropriatly named them GUC_init()
and GKM_init()
(I keep reminding you I named these functions as I have no clue what is their realy name, these are my guesses).
As usual, the function begins by checking it's input argument:
.text:001043C3 GUC_init proc near ; CODE XREF: pavp_init+259↑p
.text:001043C3 ctx = dword ptr 8
.text:001043C3 ctx_ptr = ebx
.text:001043C3 push ebp
.text:001043C4 mov ebp, esp
.text:001043C6 push esi
.text:001043C7 push ctx_ptr
.text:001043C8 mov esi, 1005h
.text:001043CD mov ctx_ptr, [ebp+ctx]
.text:001043D0 test ctx_ptr, ctx_ptr
.text:001043D2 jz invalid_paramter
.text:001043D8 cmp [ctx_ptr+PavpCtx.guc_ctx], 0
.text:001043DC jnz invalid_paramter
Next it allocates a context for GuC operations:
.text:001043E2 push 90 ; sizeof(GucContext
.text:001043E4 push 1
.text:001043E6 call near ptr calloc ; allocate GucContext (0x5A bytes)
.text:001043EB mov [ctx_ptr+PavpCtx.guc_ctx], eax
.text:001043EE test eax, eax
.text:001043F0 pop esi
.text:001043F1 pop edx
.text:001043F2 jnz short alloc_ok ; start with no FD
The struct itself:
00000000 GucCtx struc ; (sizeof=0x5A, mappedto_140)
00000000 vdm_file_descriptor dd ? ; XREF: GUC_init:alloc_ok/w
00000000 ; GUC_init+5C/w ...
00000004 pg_timer Timer ?
00000028 watchdog Timer ? ; XREF: GUC_command_handler+8C/o
0000004C vdm VDM_TX ? ; XREF: GUC_init:loc_104441/o
00000056 state dd ? ; XREF: GUC_pg_timer_routine+39/w
00000056 ; GUC_init+127/w
0000005A GucCtx ends
It first checks if a file descriptor has already been setup by the Graphics Key Manager, and if so uses the same file descriptor - apparently they share the same VDM channel. Otherwise a new FD is setup in setup_guc_vdm(). The rest of the code initializes two timers - one related to some kind of watchdog and the other to power managment.
.text:0010440C alloc_ok: ; CODE XREF: GUC_init+2F↑j
.text:0010440C mov [eax+GucCtx.vdm_file_descriptor], 0FFFFFFFFh ; start with no FD
.text:00104412 mov eax, [ctx_ptr+PavpCtx.graphic_key_mgr]
.text:00104415 test eax, eax
.text:00104417 jz short no_gkm
.text:00104419 mov edx, [ctx_ptr+PavpCtx.guc_ctx]
.text:0010441C mov eax, [eax+GkmCtx.vdm_file_descriptor]
.text:0010441F mov [edx+GucCtx.vdm_file_descriptor], eax
.text:00104421 no_gkm: ; CODE XREF: GUC_init+54↑j
.text:00104421 mov eax, [ctx_ptr+PavpCtx.guc_ctx]
.text:00104424 cmp [eax+GucCtx.vdm_file_descriptor], 0
.text:00104427 jns short loc_104441
.text:00104429 push 4B00FDh
.text:0010442E mov esi, 100Eh
.text:00104433 push 2
.text:00104435 call near ptr log_printf_0
.text:0010443A pop eax
.text:0010443B pop edx
.text:0010443C jmp invalid_paramter
.text:00104441 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00104441 loc_104441: ; CODE XREF: GUC_init+64↑j
.text:00104441 add eax, GucCtx.vdm
.text:00104444 push eax
.text:00104445 call setup_guc_vdm
.text:0010444A mov esi, eax
And this is the part we have been waiting for:
.text:00102810 setup_guc_vdm proc near ; CODE XREF: GKM_init+2D↓p
.text:00102810 ; GUC_init+82↓p
.text:00102810 vdm = dword ptr 8
.text:00102810 vdm_ptr = edx
.text:00102810 push ebp
.text:00102811 mov eax, 1005h
.text:00102816 mov ebp, esp
.text:00102818 mov vdm_ptr, [ebp+vdm]
.text:0010281B test vdm_ptr, vdm_ptr
.text:0010281D jz short loc_10284A
.text:0010281F mov al, byte ptr [vdm_ptr+(VDM_TX.msg+3)]
.text:00102822 mov dword ptr [vdm_ptr+VDM_TX.pci_req_id], 0B0h ; CSME: bus: 0, device: 22, function 0
.text:00102829 or eax, 7
.text:0010282C mov [vdm_ptr+VDM_TX.pci_tgt_id], 10h ; GUC: buf: 0, device: 2, function 0
.text:00102832 and eax, 0FFFFFF8Fh
.text:00102835 mov byte ptr [vdm_ptr], 0D3h
.text:00102838 mov [vdm_ptr+3], al
.text:0010283B mov al, [vdm_ptr+2]
.text:0010283E or byte ptr [vdm_ptr+1], 0Fh
.text:00102842 and eax, 0FFFFFF80h
.text:00102845 mov [vdm_ptr+2], al
.text:00102848 xor eax, eax
.text:0010284A loc_10284A: ; CODE XREF: setup_guc_vdm+D↑j
.text:0010284A pop ebp
.text:0010284B retn
.text:0010284B setup_guc_vdm endp
Here we have the internal bus IDs for the GuC and CSME.
Results are retrieved using GUC_wait_for_message()
- it uses select()
to wait on the VDM file handle and parses the message.
Something interesting I found out it that messages are not initiated only by the CSME - the GuC can initiate messages to the CSME and the CSME responds. GUC_wait_for_message() uses a handler table with 11 entries, but 4 are NULL.
For example, one message I decoded gets some production information for the chip:
.text:00103EDA GUC_api_get_production_info proc near
.text:00103EDA var_14 = byte ptr -14h
.text:00103EDA var_13 = byte ptr -13h
.text:00103EDA var_E = byte ptr -0Eh
.text:00103EDA var_D = byte ptr -0Dh
.text:00103EDA var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
.text:00103EDA ctx = dword ptr 8
.text:00103EDA ctx_ptr = esi
.text:00103EDA push ebp
.text:00103EDB mov ebp, esp
.text:00103EDD push ctx_ptr
.text:00103EDE push ebx
.text:00103EDF sub esp, 0Ch
.text:00103EE2 mov [ebp+var_14], 0
.text:00103EE6 mov ctx_ptr, [ebp+ctx]
.text:00103EE9 mov eax, ds:stack_cookie_ptr
.text:00103EEE mov [ebp+var_C], eax
.text:00103EF1 xor eax, eax
.text:00103EF3 push ctx_ptr
.text:00103EF4 call GUC_enable_power_gate
.text:00103EF9 lea eax, [ebp+var_14]
.text:00103EFC push eax
.text:00103EFD call test_byte_12h_from_snowball_rbe_sku
.text:00103F02 pop ecx
.text:00103F03 test eax, eax
.text:00103F05 pop ebx
.text:00103F06 mov ebx, 109h
.text:00103F0B jnz short loc_103F48
.text:00103F0D mov ebx, 9
.text:00103F12 cmp [ebp+var_14], 0
.text:00103F16 jnz short loc_103F48
.text:00103F18 lea eax, [ebp+var_13]
.text:00103F1B mov ebx, 109h
.text:00103F20 push eax
.text:00103F21 call get_7_bytes_from_snowball_rbe_sku
.text:00103F26 pop edx
.text:00103F27 test eax, eax
.text:00103F29 jnz short loc_103F48
.text:00103F2B mov bl, [ebp+var_E]
.text:00103F2E mov al, [ebp+var_D]
.text:00103F31 shr bl, 2 ; actuall data from CPUs looks like production year & week
.text:00103F34 and eax, 0Fh
.text:00103F37 shl eax, 9
.text:00103F3A and ebx, 3Fh
.text:00103F3D shl ebx, 0Dh
.text:00103F40 or ebx, 109h
.text:00103F46 or ebx, eax
.text:00103F48 loc_103F48: ; CODE XREF: GUC_api_get_production_info+31↑j
.text:00103F48 ; GUC_api_get_production_info+3C↑j ...
.text:00103F48 push ctx_ptr
.text:00103F49 call GUC_enable_power_gate
.text:00103F4E push 2
.text:00103F50 push ebx
.text:00103F51 push ctx_ptr
.text:00103F52 call GUC_send_VDM
.text:00103F57 mov edx, [ebp+var_C]
.text:00103F5A xor edx, ds:stack_cookie_ptr
.text:00103F60 jz short loc_103F67
.text:00103F62 call near ptr __stkchk
.text:00103F67 loc_103F67: ; CODE XREF: GUC_api_get_production_info+86↑j
.text:00103F67 lea esp, [ebp-8]
.text:00103F6A pop ebx
.text:00103F6B pop ctx_ptr
.text:00103F6C pop ebp
.text:00103F6D retn
.text:00103F6D GUC_api_get_production_info endp
Why do I think this is related to production information? Because it reads data from a file called "/snowball/rbe_sku" (Intel’s name!). I don’t have any idea what Snowball means, RBE usualy means ROM Boot Extenion, so it reads data from the ROM? The actuall data from a few processors appears to be correlated to production year and work week for the CPU.
.text:00148AF7 test_byte_12h_from_snowball_rbe_sku proc near
.text:00148AF7 ; CODE XREF: pavp_init+10A↑p
.text:00148AF7 ; GUC_api_get_production_info+23↑p ...
.text:00148AF7 buffer = byte ptr -24h
.text:00148AF7 stack_cookie = dword ptr -8
.text:00148AF7 var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:00148AF7 out_byte_12h = dword ptr 8
.text:00148AF7 push ebp
.text:00148AF8 mov ebp, esp
.text:00148AFA push ebx
.text:00148AFB sub esp, 20h
.text:00148AFE mov eax, ds:stack_cookie_ptr
.text:00148B03 mov [ebp+stack_cookie], eax
.text:00148B06 xor eax, eax
.text:00148B08 lea eax, [ebp+buffer]
.text:00148B0B push 1Ch
.text:00148B0D mov ebx, [ebp+out_byte_12h]
.text:00148B10 push eax
.text:00148B11 push offset aSnowballRbeSku_0 ; "/snowball/rbe_sku"
.text:00148B16 call read_file_completely
.text:00148B1B add esp, 0Ch
.text:00148B1E test eax, eax
.text:00148B20 jnz short loc_148B2A
.text:00148B22 mov dl, [ebp+buffer+12h]
.text:00148B25 and edx, 1
.text:00148B28 mov [ebx], dl
.text:00148B2A loc_148B2A: ; CODE XREF: test_byte_12h_from_snowball_rbe_sku+29↑j
.text:00148B2A mov ecx, [ebp+stack_cookie]
.text:00148B2D xor ecx, ds:stack_cookie_ptr
.text:00148B33 jz short loc_148B3A
.text:00148B35 call near ptr __stkchk
.text:00148B3A loc_148B3A: ; CODE XREF: test_byte_12h_from_snowball_rbe_sku+3C↑j
.text:00148B3A mov ebx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:00148B3D leave
.text:00148B3E retn
.text:00148B3E test_byte_12h_from_snowball_rbe_sku endp
.text:00148A54 read_file_completely proc near ; CODE XREF: get_7_bytes_from_snowball_rbe_sku+21↓p
.text:00148A54 ; test_byte_12h_from_snowball_rbe_sku+1F↓p ...
.text:00148A54 filename = dword ptr 8
.text:00148A54 buffer = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:00148A54 byte_count = dword ptr 10h
.text:00148A54 push ebp
.text:00148A55 mov ebp, esp
.text:00148A57 push edi
.text:00148A58 push esi
.text:00148A59 push ebx
.text:00148A5A push 0
.text:00148A5C count = esi
.text:00148A5C mov count, [ebp+byte_count]
.text:00148A5F open_file:
.text:00148A5F push [ebp+filename]
.text:00148A62 call near ptr open
.text:00148A67 file_handle = ebx
.text:00148A67 mov file_handle, eax
.text:00148A69 pop eax
.text:00148A6A test file_handle, file_handle
.text:00148A6C pop edx
.text:00148A6D mov eax, 222
.text:00148A72 js short loc_148A98
.text:00148A74 read_file:
.text:00148A74 push count
.text:00148A75 push [ebp+buffer]
.text:00148A78 push file_handle
.text:00148A79 call near ptr read
.text:00148A7E close_file:
.text:00148A7E push file_handle
.text:00148A7F mov edi, eax
.text:00148A81 call near ptr close
.text:00148A86 add esp, 10h
.text:00148A89 test edi, edi
.text:00148A8B js short loc_148A93
.text:00148A8D xor eax, eax
.text:00148A8F cmp edi, count
.text:00148A91 jz short loc_148A98
.text:00148A93 loc_148A93: ; CODE XREF: read_file_completely+37↑j
.text:00148A93 mov eax, 99
.text:00148A98 loc_148A98: ; CODE XREF: read_file_completely+1E↑j
.text:00148A98 ; read_file_completely+3D↑j
.text:00148A98 lea esp, [ebp-0Ch]
.text:00148A9B pop ebx
.text:00148A9C pop esi
.text:00148A9D pop edi
.text:00148A9E pop ebp
.text:00148A9F retn
.text:00148A9F read_file_completely endp
I am still actively working on this to see what attack surfaces there are from GuC->CSME and CSME->GuC, but it looks like Intel did a really good job checking bounds and arguments. The Graphics Key Manager is next in the queue, it look like the surface there is more promising.
There is also a lot more to decode in PAVP, I only decoded a small part of the context structure:
PavpCtx struc ; (sizeof=0x80, mappedto_123)
00000000 field_0 dd ?
00000004 field_4 dd ?
00000008 heci_client dd ?
0000000C server_ctx dd ?
00000010 graphic_key_mgr dd ? ; XREF: GUC_init+4F/r
00000014 vkm dd ?
00000018 guc_ctx dd ? ; XREF: GUC_pg_timer_routine+32/r
00000018 ; GUC_disable_power_gate?+1E/r ...
0000001C Lspcon dd ? ; XREF: LSPCON_command_handler+22/r
0000001C ; LSPCON_playback_done+39/r ...
00000020 field_20 dd ?
00000024 timer_ctx dd ? ; XREF: GUC_disable_power_gate?+56/r
00000024 ; GUC_command_handler+90/r ... ; struct offset (PavpPortConfig)
00000028 field_28 dd ?
0000002C port_cfg PavpPortConfig ?
00000044 field_44 dd ?
00000048 field_48 dd ?
0000004C field_4C dd ?
00000050 field_50 dd ?
00000054 handlers dd ? ; XREF: GUC_command_handler+29/r
00000058 field_58 dd ?
0000005C field_5C dd ?
00000060 field_60 dd ?
00000064 field_64 dd ?
00000068 field_68 dd ?
0000006C field_6C dd ?
00000070 field_70 dd ?
00000074 field_74 dd ?
00000078 field_78 dd ?
0000007C field_7C dd ?
00000080 PavpCtx ends
Enough for today, especially as my day job has warmed up a bit in the last three weeks - more on that later! I promise it will be very interesting (but not hardware related).